The center operates an Aquilos-2 Cryo-FIB SEM for preparing lammela of various samples including cells and tissues
Correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) is implemented by the facilty using the Leica Thunder CLEM system
The center operates a Vitrobot Mark V, a CrysoSol Vitrojet and a Wohlwend Compact 2 HPF for rapid vitrification of cells
Samples for high resolution data collection are screened on-site using the available F30 and F20 FEG electron microscopes
The center can collect initial tomograms using the on-site F30 and F20 FEG electron microscopes housed in the adjacent EM services facility
The center maintains two GPU workstations each comprised of 4 1080 GPU processsors and one terabyte of local RAM and 12 terabytes of storage
The center conducts annual workshops as well as one on one tutorials to train users in every aspect of cryoET from sample preparation to data analysis
Part of the centers mandate is to develop improved methods for sample preparation and we are particularly focused on time resolved cryoET